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Why Project Based Learning?

In Project Based Learning, teachers make learning come alive for students.

Students work on a project over an extended period of time – from a week up to a semester – that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation for a real audience.

As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills. Project Based Learning unleashes a contagious, creative energy among students and teachers.

Several PBL projects have been incorporated into the curriculum for students over the past years here at St Paul’s. Students from all grades have flourished and the learning opportunities offered through PBL are genuine, exciting and real.

This is one snap shot of a PBL in action at St Paul’s.

Our Experience:
What’s My Business was a great success and students became fully immersed in the experience, developing deeper empathy for people that are less fortunate around the world. Students started the unit by attending the ALWS session in Wagga Wagga.

To begin the journey at school, students were then tasked with writing a persuasive argument, outlining why they should work with specific partners, focusing on their own strengths and weaknesses as learners. They continued to learn about the support that ALWS provides and set goals of what they would ultimately like to achieve throughout the topic. This provided a driving focus for their learning. Students were challenged with creating a business that would prosper. They learnt all about entrepreneurship by establishing strong business ideas, developing a strong pitch for Shark Tank, keeping accounts and borrowing money, being accountable for their money by attending Savings Groups, branding their business and products, and product creation for two market separate events.

The first market established the businesses and turned over profits and a second market event provided an opportunity for students to sell their products to the wider community. In between markets students used the profits to create more stock and assess their branding and their products, adding or taking away where needed.

The unit was a huge success and was incredibly enjoyable. Students became so engaged in their learning and they have even expressed an interest in conducting this unit again in the near future.


St Paul’s... Future Focused Learning

Flexible/Agile Learning Spaces…
St Paul's is a dynamic, innovative and future-focused school where students are supported by highly dedicated staff within a positive and safe learning environment.

St Paul's has introduced the concept of Flexible/Agile Learning and we have begun a transformational journey into developing these spaces for the development of the learner's future skills. The spaces are aimed at encouraging all students to take greater responsibility of their own learning, growing their curiosity, creativity, collaboration and communication skills, with the emphasis on fostering a deeper engagement with learning. New Agile Learning spaces were developed in 2020 to suit the developmental needs and skill development. Families are invited to arrange a visit to see first hand how the students are thriving in this exciting environment.

Teaching & Learning for the Future…
All learning areas are supported by extensive ICT facilities which include:
Touchscreen Laptops, iPads, Interactive White Boards, Mobile large screen television, Coding Resources – Drones, Bee Bots, Lego Robots, Spheros, Codybot Robots and Makey Makey.


At St Paul’s we value ongoing curriculum development. This means that your child is being taught by committed teachers at the forefront of the educational landscape for teaching and learning.

Our Emphasis Is on Core Skills…

Literacy is a high priority at St Paul's and taught in the classroom every day.

Big Write - is an opportunity for students to learn how to generate ideas through conversation and fun activities in the classroom and at home. Students simultaneously learn skills in VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation) to support their confidence and engagement with writing. St Paul's has embraced the Big Write model as part of its mission to give every student the tools and support to develop their literacy skills and become proficient and enthusiastic writers.

SMART Spelling - is an approach that supports primary teachers to teach spelling well. There is a clear Kindergarten-6 scope and sequence that is well established at St Paul's. In a SMART Spelling classroom, students are explicitly taught spelling patterns, one at a time. Teachers start by teaching the meaning of words to expand vocabulary and then break words into syllables, sounds and letter patterns following a simple routine that is in the SMART Spelling course. Teachers use their professional knowledge to give meaningful feedback to students about their spelling in writing, teaching at the point of need.

Mathematics - helps to develop a broad range of skills in problem solving, logical reasoning and flexible thinking. St Paul's follows the NSW curriculum and endeavors to build inquiry based Mathematic lessons for all students to develop these essential skills.

Christian Studies - provides a safe and supportive context in which students can reflect on their experiences of the world and on their own beliefs and spirituality. The Christian Studies classroom is a place where:
- Teaching and learning occurs in a supportive, inclusive and safe environment.
- Learners are engaged in intellectually challenging experiences that actively involve them in journeys of inquiry and constructing their own meaning.

Project Based Learning - Our school Project Based Learning focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside. This program ensures that our students are receiving an education that prepares them for success in a rapidly changing global environment. We do this by providing an inspiring, dynamic environment in which students are closely supported to achieve their personal best.

Health and Physical Education - engages students in worthwhile learning experiences to develop skills, knowledge, self-efficacy and dispositions that will enable young people to live healthy and active lifestyles. St Paul's is equipped to give your child the very best experiences at school, regional and state level in many competitive sports.

Creative Arts - (Music, Drama, Visual Art, Dance) We value the importance of  always changing and adapting to the needs and interests of our students. We are passionate about providing opportunities for students to express themselves and learn in creative ways.

Speech - at St Paul's we believe by teaching our students new skills and building their speech fitness, we help them release a range of results that help them speak well, perform and achieve more in life.

Christ Centred Education
In Christian Studies students come to learn about the love Jesus has for them and how their lives can reflect His grace. The Christian Studies program is in harmony with our Mission Statement and Values and this is reflected in our teaching and learning programs as well as our commitment to the local and wider community.


To meet the needs of children who require learning support, St Paul’s provides support within the context of the classroom or through small group work with specialist teachers and support staff. Staff are trained in various learning support programs to assist each child's development. St Paul’s is also just as focused on students who require higher academic success. Individual programs tailored to each students needs are offered within the context of the classroom. Teachers differentiate the curriculum to allow optimum learning experiences for all students.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will counsel you and watch over you.Psalm 32:8